5 simple SEO tips to help get your pet business ranked in Google


The fabulous Rachel Spencer of Publicity for Pet Businesses and I recently sat down for a good old chat about SEO. We were meant to be doing a Facebook live, but the tech gods were not being kind to us that day!

Instead we recorded what ended up being over an hours chat talking about five really simple DIY tips to help give your website some Google love.

These tips are framework agnostic, so you should be able to implement them whether you’re on WordPress, WIX, Squarespace or any of the other platforms out there.

A member of Rachel’s Facebook group reported the following after watching the video



If you have any questions feel free to come and join me in my WUF design Facebook Group to ask!




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Written by Rosie

Hi, I’m Rosie and I’m a freelance web designer specialising in websites for the pet industry. I love animals, I love design and I love business.

e: hello@wufdesign.co.uk

t: 07984 235 635