A How To Guide: SEO Keyword Research for Dog Trainers & Local Pet Businesses

Maximize your online visibility and reach more potential clients by understanding and targeting the right keywords.

As a dog trainer and owner of a local pet business, you know how important it is to connect with potential clients in your area. But with so much competition online, it can be challenging to stand out and be found by those searching for your services. The buzz on the 2023 streets is all about CONTENT.

Content can include a ton of stuff including, social media posts, video content, podcasts, webinars and of course, blog posts!

Before we do any content at all, there’s the prep that’s gonna make all the difference and make your content WORK for you. Yep, this is where keyword research comes in.

By understanding and targeting the right keywords, you can maximize your online visibility, reach more potential clients, and grow your business.

Now, I could write a huge long blog post or create a video for you, but to be honest, I’ve found someone who already has! The plugin that I use for my SEO settings on WordPress is called RankMath, and this awesome video from them covers it all.

It’s all about how to do keyword research, but not just how to do it, it goes right back to the start with the very basics of the types of keywords, why and when you would use each type and examples to demonstrate this.If you’re jumping onto the content train then sorting this out first is definitely a good idea, especially if part of your content strategy is blogging.

Now in my eyes there are two types of blogging:

Blogging for Joy


Blogging with Intent

Blogging for Joy is when we just write a post because we want to, because we feel passionately about something, or because we know our potential clients might find it useful or interesting. There’s no keyword research behind it, it doesn’t rank, but, when people are browsing our blog it really resonates with them.

I currently have one like this In drafts called ‘How a website makes you feel’ it actually started from a FB post that I think is my best-performing post. I’m not trying to rank with this, it’s written from the heart and I know my audience enjoyed it on socials, so I’m pretty sure it’ll help me connect with people further on my blog.

Blogging with Intent is when we are hoping to rank in Google, to extend our reach and increase our visibility. This is when keyword research is important. It can really help your local SEO as well, as the video mentions!

Having a mix of both on your website is fine. Sometimes when we do lots of Blogging with Intent it can feel a bit process driven and not so enjoyable, so writing a Blog for Joy every so often can really help you get back into the groove again.

I hope you find the below video useful!


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Written by Rosie

Hi, I’m Rosie and I’m a freelance web designer specialising in websites for the pet industry. I love animals, I love design and I love business.

e: hello@wufdesign.co.uk

t: 07984 235 635