Thank you for you interest in asking me a question!

Date: Thursday, August the 11th

Time: 10am.

I have NO idea how this will go, there may only be 2 people in which case it will be for ten mins, if there are more of you then I’ll stay for a max of an hour and try and answer everyone.
Entering into the unknown, how exciting!


* * * * * *


I’ll TRY and answer everything but obvs if you could make your questions about website design, SEO and blogging that kinda thing it would be super helpful.

If I don’t know something I’ll hopefully tell you someone who does! Or find out and let you know after.

I won’t be demonstrating anything, it’s just me answering anything you want me to.

If something needs an in-depth answer I’ll tell you and send you something after.


* * * * * *

As with everything I do I promise to answer you honestly, not use loads of jargon and have lots of fun!


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Topic: Ask Rosie!
Time: Aug 11, 2022 10:00 AM London

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