9 things to do when you change the topic of a service page.

I’ve just changed the topic of a page for one of my WUF Club members and the list of what to do when you do this was quite interesting.

I see a lot of messy pages and URL’s on people’s DIY website – not great for your SEO and for Google to read.

But actually changing the topic of a website page is quite involved and I can imagine that people generally don’t realise!

What I did

1. Discuss SEO implications with client when they sent over new details as the titles sent wouldn’t have been at all helpful for SEO!

2. Change page content

3. Change H1 and H2 titles

4. Change page title

5. Change page URL to the new title *when we do this we need to think of the implications of where this URL is now going to need to be changed**

6. Change footer links to new page URL

7. Change call to action links on other pages to new page URL

8. Change meta titles and descriptions to reflect new content

9. Add a 301 redirect from old page URL to the new page URL so if the old URL is anywhere eg on social media, and someone clicks on it it’ll go automatically to a new one.

Phew right!

So when you make a new page on your website those are all the things you should be thinking about.

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Written by Rosie

Hi, I’m Rosie and I’m a freelance web designer specialising in websites for the pet industry. I love animals, I love design and I love business.

e: hello@wufdesign.co.uk

t: 07984 235 635