Maximize your online visibility and reach more potential clients by understanding and targeting the right keywords. As a dog trainer and owner of a local pet business, you know how important it is to connect with potential clients in your area. But with so much...
Website design
The WUF Learning Hub.
Funnel marketing and understanding the essentials for connecting with your Ideal client
Welcome to funnel magic! In this post, I’ll be diving into the basics of what funnels are and how they can be used to connect with your ideal client and optimise your marketing efforts. Funnels don’t have to be difficult, and they don’t have to be sleazy. Done right,...
The Power of Local SEO – 13 Bark-tastic Tips for Boosting Your Pet Business Visibility
Welcome to the world of Local SEO, pet business owners! As a pet business owner, you know that reaching the right customers in your local area is essential for your business to thrive. But with so many other pet businesses out there, how do you make sure that your...
Unlocking the Power of Apple Business Connect: Get Ready to Boost Your Local SEO
Welcome to the brand new world of Apple Business Connect, pet business owners! It’s January 2023 at the time of writing this and Apple have just launch Apple Business Connect (ABC). In this blog post, I’ll be your trusty guide to this brand-new platform which we can...
A WUF website truly showcases your business
Pet businesses of the world it’s time to stop undervaluing what you do and time to tell the world how awesome you are! I’ve been on tons of calls with people recently and one thing that occurs on nearly every call is this… You are a stand-out pet business owner with...
Is your website misrepresenting your pet business?
How do you feel when you look at your website? In these slightly trickier times, a less than polished or amateur looking website is simply not going to cut it. There are a LOT of pet businesses out there now, in your area, offering the same thing as you. There are...
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